
I'm a Certified Health Coach and Certified Revelation Wellness Instructor (Fitness teacher, Gospel preacher and
facilitator of The Wellness Revelation). 

Katherine about

Why I became a
Certified Health Coach

When my husband and I brought our first born son home from the hospital, he was beautiful, healthy, and the joy of our lives. Life couldn’t be better...until it wasn’t.

For the first two years, our son was sick. An endless cycle of doctor’s visits, breathing treatments, antibiotics, and sleepless nights. Fear and worry about our son’s health consumed us. Nothing seemed to help. Then, one day, a friend introduced us to a nutritionist. It was an answer to our prayers! Utilizing nutrition and supplements, our son’s immune system became stronger and his body healed.

That experience sparked a passion in my heart for health and wellness that has never faded. When our youngest graduated high school, I made the decision to follow my love for nutrition and fitness by becoming a health coach.


Overcoming Challenges

For many years, I believed lies about myself that kept me stuck in a negative mindset of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. I struggled with binge and restrictive eating, yo-yo dieting, and emotional eating.

When this all escalated in my 40’s, I realized my struggles stemmed from a longing to be loved and accepted and thinking I was not good enough or worthy. God turned all of those lies on their heads when I became involved in Revelation Wellness, a faith-based fitness and wellness program.

I saw how change happens when you combine movement and the word of God!
Strongholds and lies were replaced with the truth of God’s relentless love and what HE says about me. I am a daughter of the Most High King!

The motto for Revelation Wellness is to “Love God, get healthy, be whole, and love
others.” I love being a Revelation Wellness instructor, finding my purpose in motivating others to live out this truth of knowing who they are and that they are embraced by their creator through fitness and The Wellness Revelation, a 9-week journey to physical and spiritual wellness.


Love God. Encourage others. Show grace.  Bring hope.

My Cancer Story

In early January 2020, I was enjoying a steaming cup of tea in a local cafe with my
husband. We were excited about our plans for the coming year and all of the
opportunities the future held for us. Our youngest was in her first year of college, our twin boys were graduating from college, and one of them had a May wedding planned. We were enjoying being empty-nesters. We talked of opportunities for travel and tackling all those home improvement projects we had put on hold for several years.

Little did we know that I would be diagnosed with breast cancer that week. Feelings of denial, shock, and fear gripped me. Our lives and plans were flipped upside down in an instant. There were tears and moments of “why?” Then, I asked myself a question, “What do you know to be true?”

My first answer was, “I have faith in God.” He was not surprised by this diagnosis. He has seen me through other trials, and He would not fail me. I stood on this promise, believing I would come out stronger than when I began the journey.

The human body, and more importantly our minds, are capable of powerful things. Through Divine design, we can affect change in our health through nutrition, exercise, sleep, and lifestyle changes. God designed our bodies to heal. I chose to embrace the reality of my diagnosis. By joyfully receiving anything that will make me more like Christ, I realized that I would endure momentary struggles - my health included. This became true for not just my physical health, but for my
emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Embracing reality can make for an uncertain future.

With faith as my guide, my body capable of healing, and my new reality embraced, I set out on a journey I never anticipated to walk. I am now cancer free! This healing journey is not over for me, but I feel healthier and stronger than I ever have - healing my body, heart, soul, and mind through the power of God’s word and faith-based fitness.